Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Part 3- Burn Baths...

After that first night in the hospital Colin was released with prescriptions to a couple different antibiotics. Lala & Papa (then known as Granny & Grandpa) came and picked us up since Daddy needed to go to work.  Colin was quiet for the ride home but every once in a while he would make sure I was still there.
Once we were home we were greeted by a relieved Grandma, Max & Sasha. Sasha was immediately attached to him like glue, but of course he just wanted me. Tom went to get his antibiotics but there was a problem at the pharmacy, they could not find the prescribing doctor in their database anywhere so they sent Tom home and said they would have it figured out in a few hours. After Colin went to bed I went to take mom home and pick up his prescriptions. To my utter disbelief they had not even tried to call Children’s Hospital like the told Tom they would. I was livid! I have a 13 month old son with burns that will need that in a few hours. Once they had a very angry and tired mother in there they had it straightened out in a few minutes.

Because Colin had bandages all over his stomach and legs he needed to go back to Children’s Hospital every 3 days for burn baths. That is where they remove all the bandages and put Colin in a big bath tub and wash him with special soap and then put fresh bandages on him. To get this done quickly and not have Colin thrashing around and possibly hurting himself more he needed to be sedated. For his first burn bath I could not watch so instead the nurses sent me for a cup of coffee and I was told to come back in ½ hour.
(Colin's 2nd burn bath. He loved that fishy toy and had to have it every time)

I got back in time just in time for him to come out. We got dressed and headed home. We had to do this for 2-3 weeks. I started to go in after the first bath and I felt much better because he was healing so well.
(With all his bandages on)

Once we were done the burn baths his stomach had started to heal so he did not need the bandages anymore. They were still worried about his thighs so we had to start going to VGH every week for checkups there and to make sure he did not need a skin graft. After 3 appointments we were given the good news that he did not need to come back unless I felt the need! We just had to make sure he was well covered in the sun and make sure we kept his skin well moisturised!

Part 4- Hornby Island and a Wedding!

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